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Why is there a white fuzz growing on my seeds
A white fuzz or fur can grow on your seeds in the first few weeks of your plants growth. This is a mold that can cause your plants to die. While bad, plants can come back from mold. The mold is a result of high humidity which can be solved in many ways. One step could be the removal of your plant dome and supplying your plants with air, sometimes a fan can help the plants grow.
Why are my seedlings not sprouting
There can be a ton of reasons why your seedling wont grow, we have found the most common reasons can be to cold temperature and bad seedlings. While all of the seedling that come from Carter Education LLC are fresh and stored correctly seeds do have a shelf life if stored incorrectly. The great thing about the Space Garden is it allows you to experiment the best ways to grow you plants, if one method fail make some changes and see if you can get more progress next time.
Why are my plants not growing
This is another question that has many possible answers. The number one cause of plant failure in these systems is incorrect pH levels. You can find a pH measuring tool in your Space Garden Starter kit or at most online retailers. You want to keep your pH levels around 5.0 - 7.0 pH. You should also make sure you are following the instructions in the booklet and keeping your garden clean. Through trail and error you will find the best way to grow your plants.